Non – Medical/Elective Ultrasounds

Are you wanting:
To see more of your baby? To know the gender of your baby? To get 3D pictures of your baby?
Ladies First is now offering to the public, non – medical/elective baby ultrasounds. This means that these ultrasounds are just for entertainment; not all of the technical “stuff”.
The cost to determine the sex of your baby is $50.00 and includes a 10 minute session and approximately 5 pictures of your beautiful baby.
The cost for a full ultrasound is $75.00 and includes a 20 minute session including 3D images, a CD of printable pictures as well as a complimentary DVD of the entire scan and approximately 10 pictures.
Insurance will not pay for these ultrasounds. The best time for gender determination is at least 16 weeks of pregnancy. The best time to get 3D pictures is at 30 weeks of pregnancy.
Please call (573) 756-9107, option 1 to schedule an appointment.
Gift certificates are also available for that perfect gift.