Healthy Weight Management

More than two-thirds of the American population are considered to be overweight or obese. Overweight means an excess of weight that may be due to muscle, bones, fat, and water. Obese means an excess amount of body fat. Ladies First is committed to helping women find peace with their body image and are now accepting patients for medically-directed weight management appointments. These appointments will focus on four core goals: Nutrition, Physical Activity, Medication, and Behavior. Our nurse practitioner, Angie Adams, along with the expertise of Dr. Grechus, will oversee your weight management.
You will need to keep a two-week long food journal prior to the day of your. You can download a food journal from our website by clicking on Patient Education, then clicking on Healthy Weight Management, and then clicking on Food Journal. The initial appointment will involve reviewing your history, failed attempts at maintaining a healthy weight, and your food log as well as obtaining bloodwork and setting goals. Angie and Dr. Grechus will require you to have an appointment at least once a month until you feel you are at a point where you can maintain yourself; however, we are always here if you need a little motivation or a check-up.